Free Medical Camp
Free medical camp conducted by Rotary club of Curchorem Sanvordem at GPS primary school Ghadiwada Kakoda on 15-8-24. Blood sugar, blood pressure, bone density and liver fibroscan was done for
Home for the Aged at Chandor, Goa
Rtn Dr Vishnu Sheldekar celebrated his birthday by providing towels, eatables and fruits to the Home for the Aged at Chandor, Goa.
Mother Teresa Home for the Needy at Ambaulim, Quepem
Our Rotarian Amey Naik Desai donated 50 bedsheets and pillows to Mother Teresa Home for the Needy at Ambaulim, Quepem on the occasion of birth anniversary of his late father.
Tree Plantation
Tree plantation was held at Rotary Garden Pontemol and Kakoda IDC in association with Kris manufacturing co under their CSR activity. More than 200 fruit bearing trees will be planted.
Doctors Day and CA Day
Celebration of Doctors Day and CA Day by felicitation of Senior Doctors and Chartered Accountants of Curchorem on 1-7-2024
Udan Bycycle Distribution
Bicycles were distributed to girl child under UDAN.
CRPL 2023
Organised 16th edition of CRPL on 8th January 2023.
Teachers Training
Teachers training as per guidelines of GG2010884 was conducted on 23, 24, 26, 27 December 2022.
Financial Literacy
Financial literacy talk was conducted on 12th March 2022.